Thursday 31 March 2016

Healthcare Industry & IT Technology Email Lists

Healthcare Industry is one of the largest industries in the country. The healthcare analytics market is highly fragmented and competitive. At Parana Impact, we provide most advanced data intelligence and database services for healthcare and technology companies which enables you to frame consistent messaging that reaches your target audience at the right time in the sales cycle.
  •   Drive more leads, increase conversions and nurture existing customers 
  •   More effective marketing programs to increase ROI and produces faster sales cycles
  •   Steady stream of sales-ready prospects, higher close rates, and more consistent growth
  •   Key opportunity to develop relationships with your prospects

Information Technology is an important emerging sector of the World. The size of this sector has increased at a tremendous rate; IT spending worldwide is expected to reach 3,507 billion U.S. dollars.
At Parana Impact, we provide most advanced data intelligence and database services for healthcare and technology companies which enables you to frame consistent messaging that reaches your target audience at the right time in the sales cycle.

Get verified and qualified IT lists. Parana Impact provides highly targeted technology industry datasets that are ready to use. Reach your technology target audience from our IT database, obtain new customers and increase sales through multi-channel b2b marketing campaigns to deliver the best results like never before.

Need to reach more People? Don't Worry

  •   Reach the Right Person at Right Time with the Right Message
  •   Creating effective marketing campaigns that do talk to the right people
  •   Reach out to your pre-defined target audience (segmented by title, industry, geography, company size etc)
  •   Reach Key Executives – CVDM with Parana Impact Technology Lists
Get a custom list of prospects that precisely match your target audience. Build lists that serve your marketing strategy and your budget.


Choose how you'd like to get the conversation started:

Call Us : 408-677-2933
Email us at :

Please do not hesitate to contact us. If you require more information about our
  1.   Data Marketing
  2.  Data Management
  3.  Data Appending Services

Contact a Data Intelligence Specialist

Our dedicated Data Intelligence Specialist brings an unbiased approach to identifying the research you need to make effective strategic decisions.